I know, it’s been a hot minute since I last blogged! Do people still say hot minute…?! If they don’t, I have already hit post on this and its too late to take it back. So, lets just roll with it shall we! Usually, I can cram my posts into the 2200-character max for...
My Birth Story 2.0

My Birth Story 2.0

I had induction acupuncture done 3 times prior to me going into labor and the final round though it was a doozy it was a gooder! So good that it actually did progress me into the start of the birth story you are about to read below! On the Sunday I had, had my final...
I Don’t Know How You Do It?

I Don’t Know How You Do It?

Originally Written in 2019** On hard days its really difficult to not let little things get to you. Not so much from our moments in a day but from other people. I cannot begin to fully explain how many times I hear the phrase “I dont know how you do it“… and with it,...
Nancy is Full Of Shit

Nancy is Full Of Shit

There are many topics I wish women were able to be more open about, but this one is one I am currently in personally. Motherhood. Yes Nancy from down the street appears to have all her poop in a fairly organized group, and Sally’s social media accounts leave you with...
A Letter to my Daughter

A Letter to my Daughter

Oh my sweet baby girl… it’s been one whole year since you came into this world and I can’t help but get all the feels. They were not lying when they say it goes by so fast and its felt like I blinked. A blink filled with so many wonderful memories though. Seeing you...